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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

what are the next steps for we seniors

Well after a hard couple of weeks we now have to ait and see whether our research and campaigns to get seniors included in the recovery programme and to push the process of making London an Age Friendly city forward in time for the end of this Mayors current tenure.

We have tried our best but now is not a time to rest on our laurels so we are pushing ahead with preparing for the next stages in London's recovery plan. I have just finished a great meeting with some age and employment experts who agreed that we have to get more detailed research to show not just how badly older workers are being affected but also what can be done about it. figures out today show our worries are correct, over 100,000 more older workers out of work , with more to come at the end of furloughing, and the impact of the ending of self employment assistance impacting on tens of thousands of others.

We are trying to get the media and politicians . employers and the public to understand just how important we older workers are - we help ensure younger people are trained up and brought into useful work. Age diversity works - increases profits, productivity and staff morale.

The biggest immediate boost to the economy would be recognising and supporting the return of the silver economy expansion, both as workers and investors and consumers.

But to get this done means a safe environment for travelling an hopping and we do not have this at present.

We keep banging our head against the brick walls of bureaucracy, government callousness and incompetence and media indifference but maybe just maybe there maybe growing cracks in the wall as people wake up to the moral, economic, social and caring imperatives of recognising and supporting the many benefits we seniors bring

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