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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

Spring lock down ending - thank goodness, but it is too early?

Well the UK govt is now opening up the restaurants, the shops and allowing mingling. You can feel the expectation that things will be getting better for the summer, while at the same time many older and vulnerable people are still worried that it is still unsafe. As the numbers vaccinated increase hopefully the hospitalisations, ICU and death rates will be more controlled. But then with the Indian and other variations we cant fully relax yet. We at PAIL are trying to put together a follow up to to the survival guide, this time how to survive coming out of lock down

In France there is also the beginnings of an end to lock down - about a month later than the UK but the figures are still way way too high and far worse than the UK. One can only hope that the 4th wave does not come back to bite us all, but its hard to keep the french from their restaurants

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