Interesting article about risk and how we feel about it yesterday. On the one hand we are trying to find facts and figures about just which groups are at risk and how high is it for each group. On the other just how much at risk do we feel personally.
So objectively and intellectually based on the stats that we can find, risk of getting the virus is now rising among younger people and it looks like the second wave maybe coming up now for all of us, as we have in the UK risen to over 3000 cases a day and rising since the last week. What is worrying is just like last time in March when the Italians were screaming on the TV for the UK to wake up and not make the same mistakes they had made as we were just 2 or 3 weeks behind them, so if you look at the figures in France they have risen to around 9000 cases a day- and we seem to be 2 / 3 weeks behind them.
However doesn't seem like we ( or rather the government) have learnt anything from 6 months ago and are still not taking it seriously enough. Where are the instructions to wear masks inside - everywhere - including factories, warehouses, offices and schools. How are they going to enforce social distancing in restaurants and pubs etc as this seems to be going out of the window.
Emotionally there is anecdotal but widespread feedback from friends from all over says that there is less than full respect for mask wearing on buses and public transport and the majority of us who are abiding by the regulations are now too scared to call people out - as many if not violent are likely to start screaming at you ( the worst thing if you are trying to avoid droplets of disease coming your way) . After well documented attacks on staff drivers - along with many security and shop staff in supermarkets and the like are now not enforcing it and there are not enough police to enforce it , so how likely is there going to be enforcement in pubs , especially after punters have had a few pints .
The regulations have so many get out clauses and public confidence that everyone from the top down is respecting the rules has gone through the floor so people are confused and angry - on both sides of the covid divide. Personally I am of the opinion that anyone who is caring and considerate of others - especially the vulnerable- is trying to wear masks, socially distance and keep clean - to protect themselves and others, while the rest - including those in government- who do not are selfish ,ignorant people who put my and other seniors lives at risk