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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

Good news about vaccinations

Well now I am happy that I have received my second dose of Astra Zeneca vaccine and can look forward to be able to travel and live a bit more freely. However I hope that I and other pensioners will stay alert, safe and protect others. After all we seniors have been asking younger people to give up their freedom to protect we elderly and the more vulnerable so we must now ourselves behave in a social and collective manner and not put others at risk. Also we need to support efforts for everyone to be vaccinated so that we of whatever age can enjoy a freer life.

We should also push for vaccines to be freely available and properly distributed across the world, not only out of a sense of solidarity and common humanity but also because until that happens COVID will not be halted as a major source of death, there will be more and possibly worse variants and the world's economy and travel still be under threat.

But for today I am just happy to have my second jab

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