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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

Why we can't end the lock down yet

It is disturbing but unsurprising that in the UK the alt right, entitled and self righteous among us are trying to emulate Trump and the other proponents of survival of the fittest ( and richest) by arguing to end the lock down now. Under the banner of 'freedom' ( freedom to kill others through ignorance, arrogance and greed) they argue for their right to carry on as before and to force others back to work while putting themselves in danger. We have to make sure that we are all protected from this plague which kills men and women, black and white, old, and young, unhealthy and healthy ( even if it is the former most at risk in each of those groups it affects and can kill everyone).

We have to wait until the government can prove that it has the full medical PPE for all front line staff and patients, it has the kits, trained staff and capacity to deliver the tests we need to protect the NHS, care homes and all those who suspect they are infected and to follow it up with tracking and forced quarantine. Besides that who will feel safe unless there are sufficient masks ( even if only to protect others from our possible virus carrying) that there is properly enforced social distancing on tubes, trains and buses as well as at work? You cannot force people back to work until it is truly safe and those bosses who do should not just be shamed but prosecuted.

There have been too many broken promises from the government for us to trust anything other than independent verification that everything needed is in place and that the numbers of infected and dead people have significantly been reduced.

Instead of suppressing whistle blowers which seems to be 10 Downing Street's communications strategy we should be welcoming feedback from those in the front line who can and will tell it like it is.

In the meantime stay well

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