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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

Why many older people will suffer this winter

At present is seems like older people and pensioners are in danger of losing some of the benefits direct and indirect that many rely on.

The warning that the government will now only pay the winter fuel allowance to those receiving pension credit means that over half a million poor pensioners who are eligible and currently receiving this payment will return to the heat or eat debate facing them this winter.

It is surely not beyond the capacity of the Universal Credit system linked to the HMRC tax returns to be able to fathom who are on or below the official pension level and for them all to automatically be credited with pension credit and thus also the Winter Fuel Allowance. Who are those who need and and are eligible who have not applied? Most likely nearly all are those who are the most vulnerable, the most digitally excluded and those most likely to be suffering from poverty and thus in winter cold and hungry. If you are not able to access the internet because you do not have / cannot afford WIFI or an up to date computer or smart phone you are less likely to know your rights, how to apply or to do so. This also applies to people who do not know how to use IT, have poor English or have mental or physical disabilities.

This is a real cause of alarm and many representative bodies like the National Pensioners Convention and Age UK are rightly very concerned.

Even if there is an argument against wealthy pensioners receiving the Winter Fuel Allowance there can be no justification for withholding payment to those on pensions/ Universal Credit who are clearly in need.

There should at the least no be a rethink to make Pension Credit and automatic payment as part of the Universal Credit system linked to the HMRC tax office to ensure that all those who are eligible receive these payments as a right

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