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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

What a week

As the US goes into meltdown and our government has put its own PR in front of our health I have been sent into overdrive. Zoom after zoom meeting. First last Friday was a feedback session with Transport for London where they updated us on the impact on vulnerable people on their changes after negotiating with the government .

We at Positive Ageing have been joining the campaign to keep the freedom pass and 60+ oyster card during the rush hour as many over 60s have to go into work , many are front line workers plus if you get a hospital operation appointment its often for 8 am.

The boss of TFL gave a good and honest report, saying how hard it had been and quick the new rules were made after the government demanded a lot of savings and extra costs as a price for continuing to pay money to fund TFL and also said he would take on board any complaints or suggestions as it was still a work in progress.

What a change from Cummings and his Johnson who it seems to me have opened up from lock down, despite warning from public health officials and scientists merely to give out positive PR stories about how everything was going to return to normal. I was happy to try to believe even this government was trying its best but now with none of the 5 tests met it seems like another second wave is inevitable. Our lives c sacrificed on the altar of protecting the government. Now the figures seem to just being made up as they go along and all trust is dripping away.

Then it was onto meeting with Age UK London and the Greater London Forum to catch up on the work we are all doing and any feedbacks from the GLA. It is one good thing that has come out of this that there is more opportunities to build coalitions and share knowledge.

Some of the issues which we have raised with the GLA around digital exclusion and the need for printed information seems to have been picked up which is a good thing and inspires to carry on raising older peoples concerns and make positive suggestions arising from the experience and lived wisdom of our members - even if the powers that be take an awfully long time to respond.

Finally our weekly PAIL committee meeting which always raises my spirits, gives me new information and reminds me how pleasant it is to be part of a group which cares.

More later

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