so this week was my birthday and it was pretty energetic. Firstly I co chaired the London Age Friendly Manifesto conference that PAIL hosted but was a joint project by all of us in the London age friendly coalition. This was very successful and older people from a wide variety of organisations and backgrounds came together to agree 5 key priorities for each of the 8 domains which make up the WHO Age Friendly Communities template.
I also had a very good meeting with reps from the GLA Equality , diversity and Inclusion strategy group where our concerns that older people's concerns are being ignored in the current publications of the London Recovery Board were acknowledged and we were promised more regular communication so that we could keep age friendliness on the agenda for London's recovery
I have been able to continue to offer training and support to groups of older unemployed people who are desperate for work and it is good to see how many seniors are now able to access and participate in zoom meetings