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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

The joys of gardening

After years of talking about it I have now found the time and space to start making an allotment on a terrace on the hill facing our house. It is so good to be able to take advantage of good weather and I am so lucky to be able to have the space to start this gardening work. So fr I have managed over the last month to clear about 100 square meters of land from bushes, brambles, weeds and rocks. Have started to plant seeds and some bulbs ( spinach, lettuce, onions and some small fruit trees( apply, lemon, pear and vines). It not only gives me plenty of exercise on my upper body rather than just going on walks but it is great to feel you are creating something. That plus afterwards it is marvellous to sit and look out over a valley. I realise I am very lucky to be living at this moment in the countryside and how hard it is for those that are crammed up in tower blocks and apartments. When we get out of this covid mess those that have suffered the most really need to be the focus of most of the support o offer

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