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  • Writer's picturechris walsh

At last the Guardian allows comments on Guardian and mine is popular!

My response August 1st to the Guardian article The UK’s arms sales to Israel are tiny – but here’s why Tel Aviv is panicking about a possible ban. my response below has had so far has over 230 likes

'At last the Guardian is allowing comments on Israel and Gaza. I attended a webinar by experts from Oxfam, who made 3 points very clear. If the ICJ said that Israel was committing war crimes, which is now the case then as a signatory it was mandatory for the UK to immediately stop our arms exports to them.

Secondly although minor, our arms sales are very important to maintaining their aircraft responsible for the bombing of Gaza which has caused so many deaths and injuries.

Thirdly that for Palestinian civilians all gestures aimed at a cease fire gives them hope to carrying on living and know that their plight is not forgotten

I hope these things happen soon, because the daily news and death toll in Gaza is heartbreaking'

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