Well as the London Recovery Board continues to change its Mission headings we have to struggle to keep up. But we are trying our best. Firstly responding to invitations to submit our proposals and priorities for each of the 9 LRB current Mission statements while still keeping our eyes on the issues that matter to us as part of pushing for an Age Friendly London plan to be in place before the end of this mayoral term, with emphasis on key issues like transport, accessible London, age friendly streets and environments, Health, housing and not forgetting the digitally excluded. Keep an eye out for when we are able to promote the key priorities around each mission which we hope will be at least heard by the great and the good. Currently there is very little about older people in the Missions, we hope to change that.
Also the GLA equalities , Diversity and Inclusion advisory group ( of which Iam a member) is hoping to be more active and respond to the great need for more awareness of the needs and impact on all the equalities groups In london of this plan.
In particular we hope that more people will appreciate the multiplier effect or in the horrible new management speak jargon 'Intersectionality ' when age intersects with other areas of discrimination and exclusion like BAME seniors, older disabled people, women including WASPI women, the LGBT communities . Getting older in this ageist society makes it harder for everyone but especially those aLready facing poverty, poor health, bad accomodation - all of which is compounded by COVID.
Tat is why we are trying to come up with a Survival Plan for older Londoners to help us get through this second wave