I have tried writing this 3 times and it keeps getting lost so here goes again. Well done John McGeachy and Age UK London for leading the campaign to get the horrific proposal by the govt to force the Transport for London to stop the Over 60s and Freedom Pass, as well asf ree childrens travel. We are glad that Pail was able to lend its weight to the campaign and that tens of thousands of older people write to their MP to express their outrage.
It shows that even the most clothe eared politicians can wake up and realise you do not want to alienate older voters. Of all the issues to get our goats the freedom pass cme stop. Whenever we ask at conferences or focus groups what is the most important thing for you as an older Londoner the ability to use public transport for free - to get to work, to go volunteering, to go to medical appointments and to shop using our grey punds to help London's economy recover - and to be able to access our London.
However we must also remember that this is a temporary settlement and we may have to fight this all over again in 6 months and we still have not regained our right to free travel before 9 in the morning.
But just for today lets be happy that we won, thank you john and Age UK London and lets keep this memory in our hearts to inspire us to keep on fighting for justice and equality fo all ages