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Life is cold in the South of France

After climate change driven comparatively hot November and even December , Winter has now truly arrived in the Cevennes. It has been sub...

Unhealthy and unequal Britain

Here is something I submitted to the Guardian Comment section and got 140 likes. Please share if you agree In a country supposedly the...

Thank you to the French health service

Yesterday I saw my local doctor, who had set up a follow up appointment 2 weeks after our last one just to check up on my progress, as I...

Why older people are unemployed

The IFS research trying to suggest older people are retiring earlier while those in work are continuing because they enjoy the work...

Exciting weather

What ever weather happens in the Cevennes it tends to be quite exciting. When it is dry we have a 2 month drought ( last January and...

We have to fight fascism

Will Europe’s centre-right parties accept defeat or sell their souls to the hard right? 28 Aug 2023 16:00 My reply to Guardian article...

life in the cevennes August 2023

Well after over 3 years am going to try to write a regular record of life in this amazing bubble. We have just come out of a mini heat...

Why do we despise MPs

My reply to Guardian article about the end of governments after years in power The establishment maintains itself through the mirage of...

The heat is on

Here in the Cevennes in the South of France it is searing hot. AT least it is not as bad as in the plains elsewhere, so we reached the...

Why Polly Toynbee is wrong

This is reply to Polly's article trying to defend Labour as being left wing in Scotland as a bye elections looms Oh dear, what it must be...

What a state the UK is in

This was a response to a piece in the Guardian about the current state of Sunak's non government, which has proved quite popular. We are...

spain - a warning and maybe some hope

This was written just before the election. Thankfully the Franco fanatics have been defeated - for now, but we must remain ever vigilant,...

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